Inking of MOU between JK Trust & NABARD
JK Trust & National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development ( NABARD), have inked an MOU to train and place more than 1000 youth in tailoring sector. The project is for 5 years where candidates will be trained in basic tailoring for 45 days and will be placed as " Sewing Machine Operator" in Silver Spark Apparel Ltd ( Bangalore). The program was graced by Mr. Medo Yhokha Hon'ble advisor to CM for Technical Education & Election Dept, Shri. Shaji KV Dy. Managing Director (NABARD), Shri . Ram Bhatnagar CEO (JK Trust), Ms. Tiakala AO GM (NABARD), Mr.M Nakro Director (DTE) , ER. M.Nakra Director (DTE), ER. Vipulhou Lhoungu Add Director (DTE), ER. K.Rhutso Principal (GPK).