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  • Cattle Breed Improvement Program in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & Haryana

Cattle Breed Improvement Program in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & Haryana

JK Trust in collaboration with JK Cement has been running the “Cattle Breed Improvement Program” in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh & Haryana. The project is implemented through establishment of 70 Integrated Livestock Development Centre.

JK Trust team along with JK Cement undertook a primary assessment survey to understand the project’s current performance of the project and identify new opportunities to further strengthen the ongoing program. As a part of this exercise, a primary survey was done in 3 locations by the JK Trust team. The team also interacted with key stakeholders of the project.

The project has so far resulted in birth of over 65,000 improved breed calves through doorstep delivery of AI (artificial insemination) services. This has led to increased milk production and increased income of farmers. The project has been impactful in improving livelihood of farmers and ensuring quality & timely services to livestock.